Friday, January 29, 2010

Section 5 Meet Information

Tuesday, February 2nd @ Camp Ripley

  • 6:15 AM - Load Bus
  • 6:30 AM - Leave Andover
  • 10:30 AM - Boys Classic
  • 11:15 AM - Girls Classic
  • 1:30 PM - Boys Skate
  • 2:30 PM - Girls Skate
  • 4:00 PM - Awards

Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues

We are into the final couple weeks of the season. It's very important that everyone is getting 8-10hrs of sleep a night. Also be sure to be eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. Drinking more orange juice than usual will help as well.

Saturday - Make sure to get out and ski for about 1-1.25hrs on your own.

Sunday - Off day

Monday - Practice will be an easy ski with pickups. Waxing will happen at the school afterwards. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE WAXES AT THE SCHOOL. Coach Dubay has wax that you do not that is much faster.

Tuesday - Leaving for sections in the morning. Coach Clark will post details tonight.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday Practice - 1/29

Practice will be at French Lake Park. We will be leaving from the high school at 3:00 PM. We are moving into the final phase of our training and tapering. Sections are Tuesday and JV Conference is the following Monday.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Conference Meet Start Times

10:00 Boys Skate (15 sec intervals)
11:00 Girls Skate (15 sec intervals)
1:30 Pursuit Classic Boys
2:30 Pursuit Classic Girls
4:30 Awards

JV Conference Meet

Due to the lack of snow and icy conditions at Woodland Trails in Elk River the JV Conference meet has been rescheduled. Plan for Monday, February 8th to be the race day for the JV Conference meet.

Monday 1/25 we'll be heading to Bunker for some intervals. We'll return early to start the waxing process for the varsity race on Wednesday.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Conference Varsity Teams

Boys Team:
Larson, Adam
Handorff, Aaron
Nielsen, Dan
Fisher, Mitch
Fastner, Daniel
Wold, Brandon
Hellmann, Kyle
Walker, Dillon
Kivimaki, Lucas
Hieb, Lucas
Alternate - Larson, Eric

Girls Team:
Yovetich, Marissa
Jensen, Amanda
McKeefry, Madeline
Heitzman, Nicole
Mead, Laura
Bell, Haley
McQuillan, Maria
Head, Olivia
Nielsen, Kristine
Larson, Katie
Alternate - Clark, Paige

Weekend Racing - Supertour/JOQs

This weekend several Andover skiers are racing on Saturday/Sunday at the Theodore Wirth trails in the Supertour/JOQ race. Dan Fastner, Maddie McKeefry, Amanda Jenson, and Marissa Yovetich will all be racing. While some are racing both days, some only one day, get out and cheer on your teammates. Also, you'll be able to watch some of the fastest skier is North America.

Several skiers that just made the Olympic team will be there and many past Olympians will be. If you need to find me, I will be under a giant red Swix tent. I hope to see everyone there as this opportunity does not come by very often. The last time it did was back in 2001.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Woodland Trails in Elk River

Here is a Link to the location for Woodland Trails in Elk River.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Races & JOQs

Congratulations for the boys team on a great race at ABCs. The team put Adam Larson in the position for the win and he almost pulled it off. Good job Adam on going for it. The girls team also did well even though a few were feeling a bit under the weather. Also, a big congratulations to Marissa for winning the 10k classic JOQ at Mt. Itasca.

Next weekend is the JOQ race at Theodore Wirth. I would like as many experienced skiers to race this as possible. Anyone who is not racing, this is a great chance to see some of the nations top ski racers and to cheer on your teammates that are competing. Information can be found at YOU HAVE TO SIGNUP BEFORE MIDNIGHT ON MONDAY.

Nice job to everyone this weekend. The end of the season is coming and we'll start to ski really fast really soon.

Monday Practice 1/18/10

Meet at Elm Creek at 3:30 for practice. Since the race on Tuesday is classic we should be classic skiing on Monday.

Links to pictures from several meets

Here are the links to pictures from 12.17.09, 1.14.10 & 1.16.10. I'm still learning the new camera but they are getting better - enjoy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Viking Jersey Fundraiser on Sunday

The team received a generous donation of several MN Viking Favre Jerseys. Beef O'Brady's in Andover has offered to partner with the team to raffle them off during the Sunday play off game. We are in need of several team members to be at the restaurant from the start of the game to sell raffle tickets until we draw the winners at half time. Call or email Ellen (612 385 5282) if you can help out. Bring your family to Beef O'Brady's for a great way to watch the game and support the team. Wear your Anodver Nordic ski apparel.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mesabi Start Times

The Classic races have been pushed back by one hour. The first racer out will be at 11:00 AM. The Freestyle races will only be moved back 20 minutes. This means the bus will be pulling out of the lot Saturday morning at 5:30, loading will be at 5:15. Get to bed early!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tuesday Sprint Race - Elm Creek

There are some changes to the meet on Tuesday. For the varsity skiers there will be a preliminary heat to determine the top 24 and then seeded brackets for getting to the finals. There will also be a consolation bracket for the sprints. Beginning skiers and those that do not make the top 24 will have a 5 km race. Check out the 5 km course below. If any parents are available to help time please let me know, there is going to be a lot going on during this meet.

Race Times: The races will begin at 3:30 for both boys and girls sprints and boys 5 km. The girls 5 km will begin at 4:00. Those not qualifying for the top 24 will start a 5km race at 4:30.

Note: The race location has changed from the one listed on the schedule. We will be at Elm Creek, not at Eagle Lake.

Note: We will be leaving the high school at 2:00 and then stop at Oak View. Dismissal will be at 1:45.

Saturday Practice 1/2/10

The thermometer is registering -19 F this morning so it might be a good thing to avoid skiing until later today. Practice this morning will be canceled. Temps are suppose to improve by afternoon so go out for a ski later today. Since tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday are going to be classic it would be good to skate today. Try to find another skier to go with, it'll be more enjoyable. Also, if you have a mask, you should wear it. Tomorrow should still be 10 to 12 pick-ups while classic skiing.