10th-Skate Technique. Emphasis on open field (no poles, 1 pole, and with poles, alternate sides). Distance.
Technique. Emphasis on double pole (practicing different double pole
variations for more advanced skiers.) Distance (double poling, 2x10 min
single pole for advanced group adjust as needed for others)
12th-Skate Intervals (30 min warm 3-5x5min at levels 3-4 or 75-90% effort. Cool down) Skate technique.
13th- Skate technique. Emphasis on open field. Distance.
14th-10 min warm up run, strength, 10 min cooldown.
min warm up run, supplemental strength. Classic Technique. (double
pole, kick DP for those who have ratchet skis) Distance.
18th-Skate Time Trial. Warm up, Course is 2x bunker loop, cool down
20th-Skate technique. (emphasis on V2. no poles, and with poles) distance, 10 short sprints.
21st-10 min warm up run, strength, 10 min cooldown.