Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter Break Practices & Racing

Here's a quick update with what the coaches would like you to do over winter break.

Wed: 8:45am practice. There are also races at Elm Creek on Wed. nights. 5k skate or classic, starts at 7pm. I think they are $5.
Thurs: Skate ladder intervals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Equal recovery as the interval you just completed.
Fri: Off, Merry Christmas
Sat: Leave for winter camp. If you are not going to winter camp, get out and ski as much as you can. Try to shoot for 1.5-2hrs each day. At camp we will be doing about 3-4hrs of skiing a day. Try to do both techniques.
Tue 29th: Return from winter camp
Wed: TBD, most likely will have practice at Elm Creek if possible
Thurs: TBD, most likely will have practice at Elm Creek if possible.
Fri: TBD, some other location than Elm Creek.

The rest has yet to be determined. If we get some good snow in the next couple days, it will give us many more options for where to ski.


  1. are we meeting at elm at a certain time again or just on your own?

  2. Is there practice on Monday 01/04? If yes, what is the expected return time to school?

  3. Is the girls roster complete? I don't see my daughter's name.

  4. The rosters still have to be updated.
