• Improve your skating technique
• Improve your overall endurance
• Improve your strength
• Train with your friends
• Cost: $150 (Make checks payable to Andover Nordic Skiing)
• Cost includes free option for Wednesday evenings at Afton with Fin Sisu coach
• Camp times will be from 6:30 PM ‐ 8:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
• First Day is Monday, June 10th
• Times and locations on attached document
What to bring
• Watch
• Running shoes
• Roller skis and poles

In the hopes that some of you read the comments on here, I found a little diddy that I'd like to pass on. When looking through US ski team profiles (yes, this is my free time) I ran across a quote from Jesse Diggins that says, "You have to love the training as much as the racing." Make this summer a fun one team! I have enjoyed seeing so many of you out on the rollers already and Joe Dubay is one of the most accomplished junior skiers that many of you will ever encounter. Keep your ears open, but remember to enjoy the training and the camaraderie that you will build over the next few months. I am a firm believer that the strongest friendships are formed when you're on a three to four hour workout and you're lost and you have to find a way back home. Make it a summer of training to remember!